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how to invest and make money

هذا النقاش في 'شتات' بدأه tito7091، ‏22 يناير 2018.

  1. tito7091

    tito7091 موقوف


    how to invest and make money If you want your money to work? - then you will have to learn how to invest them. Davolno simply invest money under the interest, but it is the easiest and not very profitable income, but for that it is the most reliable, since it is protected against inflation, To the same if you do not have enough money, then you will not see much here. I think it will be better to wield money in compound interest. Let’s assume you can invest money in the PAMM account of different brokerage companies. Once in these accounts, compound interest is accrued once in the trading period, which each manager may have different, you can find out in the manager’s offer. Usually it’s a week or two. Investments in the PAMM bring already good profits. You should note that it is still much more profitable and profitable than when investing in a bank, with reinvestment once a year, although even with bank conditions you can achieve high results, only you will have to wait for years 50. 57006


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