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هذا النقاش في 'شتات' بدأه tito7091، ‏19 يناير 2018.

  1. tito7091

    tito7091 موقوف


    Hyperspectral imaging is already being used to help make bitcoin buy sure works of art are not fake, as well as in safety inspections. Unfortunately, this is expensive which is why scientists are working to make this new version available to you, hopefully making your daily life just a bit easier. Though they aren’t there yet, they have said they can clearly see the use for this in your cell phone. It’s said that the camera is correct about the ripeness, and can also be used on produce in your home. The app would use a series of flashes when pointed at a piece of fruit, something that sounds so simple, but the possibilities are wonderful. Could scientists find another use for this app? Will it be able to be used in other ways? Are people going to be willing to spend to own this app? These questions will only be answered once the app is released, which for many can’t come soon enough. 7271


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